Deekay Fox - Warrior 1 Yoga

1006 Calloway Dr. Suite A
Bakersfield, CA


Deekay Fox

About Deekay Fox

“Deekay was drawn to yoga as an escape from the corporate world, to reduce anxiety, and get back in touch with my spirituality. Moving the body with the breath helped clear my mind. My teaching and my life are a reflection of this path. For me, Yoga = Life. There is no separation. My interest lies in bringing awareness to, and gaining mastery with, the connections between body, mind, emotions and life for more empowered and truthful living
My hope for students upon leaving a class lead by me is that they feel more clear, connected, aligned, and alive.

“”Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves “” ~Nisargadatta”